Why Clear Aligners are the Clear Cut Choice for Adults

A beautiful smile is coveted by everyone. While some people naturally have straight teeth, others need the help of orthodontic braces. Well-aligned teeth are healthier, easier to keep clean and meet each other in a more harmonious way. It has been shown that people with crowded teeth tend to grind their teeth more and have a more difficult time with gum disease. The use of a clear orthodontic device commonly known as aligners or invisible braces can help.

Clear aligners can straighten teeth and be invisible to others.

Where braces make use of wire-connected brackets to enable teeth movement, clear aligners are tight-fitting (custom-made), clear plastic mouthpieces that are worn over the teeth for two weeks at a time. The original lab for clear aligners was Invisalign. Over the years, several competitors have emerged that have dramatically lowered the price of clear braces. ClearCorrect, for example, provides the same results. At Biltmore Innovative Dentistry in Phoenix, we offer both.

What are Clear Aligners?

Also known as clear braces, clear aligners are orthodontic devices in the form of transparent plastics used to adjust and straighten teeth. Clear aligners are discreet orthodontic braces, unlike conventional metal braces visibly made up of wires and brackets glued to the teeth. The major goal of clear aligners is to reposition poorly positioned teeth to improve the bite, function, and appearance of teeth.

Are Clear Aligners for you?

Before we get too far, are clear aligners really for you? The truth is, good as they may be, clear aligners aren’t for everybody. Your orthodontist or dentist will decide what dental treatment you need. That being said, clear aligners are best used for adults and older teens.

Clear orthodontic aligners are used to correct mildly crowded teeth or spacing issues. At Biltmore Innovative Dentistry, we promote clear aligners to older patients in their 30s, 40s, 50s, and above—people who would never think to wear braces.

Keep in mind, however, that clear aligners treat mild crowding or spacing problems; severe mouth problems like underbites, overbites or crossbites need a more traditional orthodontic treatment.

Why Choose Clear Aligners over Braces?

Clear aligners can be a better choice than braces for adults. For one, traditional braces are orthodontic devices with metal or ceramic brackets and metal wires that can be embarrassing for adults. Secondly, braces must be adjusted regularly with the help of the orthodontist or dentist. This means more trips to the dentist and more time off work. Clear aligners are effortlessly removed, making it easy for you to brush and floss well. Clear aligners come in sets that are sent home with the patient, usually several weeks worth at a time. The only dental visits are to check that the teeth are moving and to pick up the next group of trays. Overall, clear aligners simplify and improve the maintenance of your oral health for busy adults.

How do Clear Aligners Work?

A dentist first has to recommend clear aligners before you can make use of them. If you get clear aligners, then you’ll be handed a set of custom-made orthodontic device that slips seamlessly over your teeth; and moves them into the desired position, over two weeks, until the next set fits. Clear aligners are made of clear plastic or acrylic material that can be removed for brushing, flossing and eating times.

Why Makes Clear Aligners Different?

The argument still falls down to what makes clear aligners better than braces. There are so many reasons why clear aligners can be a better orthodontic choice for adults. As an adult looking to straighten your teeth and improve your smile, the following are reasons why you should consider clear aligners:

1. Semi-Invisible

The biggest benefit of using clear aligners is the fact that they are discreet. Yeah, clear aligners are not visible at all. Unlike braces, there are no obtrusive brackets or metal wires on display. Clear aligners blend in with your teeth making them semi-invisible—your friends will have to get uncomfortably close to see your aligners.

2. Easy Removal

Traditional braces require metal brackets and wire to be bonded to the front of your teeth. Clear aligners are more flexible; you can remove them at will. Unlike braces, you can take out your aligners whenever you want to eat, drink, brush or floss; or on meetings or other special occasions. Keep in mind however that you need to wear them for a minimum of 22hours each day to move your teeth.

3. Easy Clean

Fixed braces make teeth difficult to clean because they stay on all the time. If you can’t clean your teeth properly they are more prone to cavities or white spots once the braces are removed. Removable clear aligners have the benefit of making brushing and flossing easy. Hence, you are able to maintain tooth and gum health better with clear aligners.

4. Comfortable in the mouth

Metal braces are, well, uncomfortable. They constantly rub on the inside of your cheeks and lips. Clear aligners are smooth plastic and don't cut the lips or tongue.

5. Digital Technology and Virtual Smile Creation

Clear aligner treatments in our office are carefully planned with advanced CAD/CAM technology. With the use of our 3D scanner, an exact computer file is generated, evaluated and used to design your treatment. You are able to see the planned progression and estimated end result of your dental treatment before it is even started.

6 Cutting-Edge Devices Can Cut Treatment Time

After researching the options, Dr. Ebner invested in Propel Orthodontic Therapy and the ProV Orthodontic Accelerator Device for her patients' clear aligner treatment. These devices increase the effect of clear aligners. She has seen her patients' treatment time reduced to half of the original plan. Her patients are changing their trays at one week instead of two weeks. Some even change their trays at 5 days! Everyone is different but the difference is remarkable!

How Long Does

Clear Aligners Treatment Take?

The duration of Invisalign or ClearCorrect treatment depends on the severity of teeth crowding or spacing issues. More severely crooked teeth will take longer to straighten. Your Invisalign or ClearCorrect treatment will comprise several sets of trays meant to be worn for two weeks for the duration of the treatment plan. You will know before you start the approximate time to get you to the smile you desire. This can stretch the treatment over a couple of months.

We educate our patients that each set of trays must be worn until they are ready to be changed to the next set. Changing trays before the teeth have moved enough will result in future trays not fitting and backtracking. With Propel and V Pro device, advancing through the trays is much faster. They cut the tray changes to as little as 5 days. We are able to drastically reduce the time of treatment for our patients.

Why not come in for a consultation for clear aligners? Dr. Ebner has some great feedback from her adult patients who didn't want metal braces and thought clear aligners wouldn't work for them. Watch your teeth straighten and your smile improve. Contact us for a quote today


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